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    10 Reasons to Believe In A God Who Allows Suffering

    Natural disasters. Terrorist acts. Injustice. Incurable disease. All these experiences point to suffering, and can cause people to question the love and goodness of a God who would let such things occur. In this publication, we seek to consider who God is, and why we can trust Him even when life hurts—and we don’t know why.

    If God is God, Why do Bad Things Happen? Part I

    When it comes to questions of suffering and evil, no one has all the answers. However, author and speaker Os Guinness presents a compelling case that leads to faith and courage. With an engaging style, he introduces three perspectives on evil, examines the difference between suffering and evil, and shares steps to help you think through the problem of evil. Discover how you can cope with life and find reason to trust in God when bad things happen.

    If God is God, Why do Bad Things Happen? Part II

    When it comes to questions of suffering and evil, no one has all the answers. However, author and speaker Os Guinness presents a compelling case that leads to faith and courage. With an engaging style, he introduces three perspectives on evil, examines the difference between suffering and evil, and shares steps to help you think through the problem of evil. Discover how you can cope with life and find reason to trust in God when bad things happen.

    10 Reasons to Believe Christ Rose From The Dead

    In a world filled with belief systems making religious claims, how can you know what to believe? How can you know who to follow? This brochure offers ten pieces of evidence and witness that verify that following Christ is reasonable. As this evidence is examined and tested—we find that it can also be trusted.

    Is Jesus God?

    Although many people have heard of Jesus through the pages of the Bible, there are still some who struggle with their belief. In this booklet, Dave Branon examines the evidence that expresses both the claims of the Bible and of Christ Himself—that He is indeed God in the flesh. Gain deeper insight into your relationship with Jesus and the importance of your faith in Him as your only way to God.

    10 Reasons to Believe Christians Can Look Like They Are Not

    Disappointment is often attached to our encounters with people who don’t measure up to what we had hoped them to be. This is true of Christians as well. Followers of Christ sometimes fail to match the ideals of our own faith, or the expectations of a watching world. Still, is it possible to be a Christian, yet not act like it? This brochure offers careful thought on this challenging issue.

    10 Reasons to Believe In The Christian Faith

    You’re Not Alone.In a world filled with belief systems making religious claims, how can you know what to believe? How can you know who to follow? This brochure offers ten pieces of evidence and witness that verify that following Christ is reasonable. As this evidence is examined and tested—we find that it can also be trusted.

    10 Reasons to Believe God Became A Man

    Every Christmas season, people celebrate the birth of Jesus—yet, many who celebrate that birth question its significance. Was Jesus merely a good man, or a skilled teacher, or a mystical wonder-worker? Here, we consider evidence that, in fact, Jesus Christ was God in human flesh—and why that matters.

    10 Reasons to Believe In The Bible

    We are surrounded by claims of religious authority—sacred books, spiritual leaders, and ceremonial activities abound. Yet in the midst of that, the Bible claims to be separate and distinctive from any other religious authorities. We owe it to ourselves to carefully examine those claims, and to respond accordingly. Here we are offered ten elements of the case for the Bible, and why it can be trusted.

    10 Reasons to Believe In Life After Death

    The greatest fears of life are often connected to the unknown, and for many people the greatest unknown is what happens one second after death. Can we believe the promises of the Bible that there is life after death—and that it lasts forever? Embracing the wisdom of the Bible in this important area can have a dramatic impact on the way we live our lives.

    Every Word Matters

    Kim Peek was a savant (a person with extraordinary memory) who memorized all of Shakespeare’s plays. During a performance of Twelfth Night, Peek noticed that the actor had skipped a word from one of the lines. Peek suddenly stood up and shouted, “Stop!” The actor apologized and said he didn’t think anyone would mind. Peek replied, “Shakespeare would.”

    Religion Or Christ: What’s The Difference?

    Following the rules of religious practices can identify you as a leader among men; however, submitting to Christ will give you favor with God. This study of Jesus’ confrontations with the Pharisees will help you see the significance of a relationship with Christ and the inadequacy of performance-based religion. Und

    Do Christians Believe In Three Gods?

    Find out what the Bible says about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Join author Herb Vander Lugt as he takes a deeper look at Christians’ belief in a three-in-one

    Did Christ Really Rise From The Dead?

    No other single issue is more central to the Christian faith than the reality of Christ’s resurrection. In this study, Dave Branon explores historical and biblical evidence that will give you reasons to believe that Jesus rose from the dead. Discover the importance of your response to His resurrection and how it relates to your eternal destiny.

    Capernaum: City of Skeptics

    It’s widely believed that Jesus performed more miracles in the small seaside town of Capernaum than anywhere else. Wander the streets of this ancient city with teacher and Israeli tour guide Avner Boskey to learn about the carpenter’s son who is reported to have performed these miraculous signs.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

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